Search results

  1. G

    NFPS / Private service

    The website is not down working here
  2. G

    Rocket Are we down

    Same here in Ontario in end out
  3. G

    Rocket Is portal working?

    try changing portal see if that helps
  4. G

    VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

    a lot of channels freezing tonitgh
  5. G

    Rocket Bitcoin discount

    i bought 2 donation about 4 days ago and paid 110 so must have got a discount
  6. G

    Rocket Order

    go here send private message crazed 8.4
  7. G

    IPTV66 Payment Different Amount

    in canada one donation cost $81 that is what i paid
  8. G

    Rocket Order

    send a message to crazed-8-4
  9. G

    VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

    down here all so on most channels
  10. G

    IPTV66 Another option to pay?

    canada post visa should work any where in the world it has work for that last 5 years not problem
  11. G

    IPTV66 Another option to pay?

    the setup they have now canada post visa card dont work any more keeps telling me to use a different card
  12. G

    Rocket order not recieved

    Send Grazed 8.4 a private message he can help you
  13. G

    Rocket Freezen like a crazy

    342 encore westerns working fine here
  14. G

    NFPS / Private unwatchable tv

    Working fine here no freezing maybe reboot every thing see if that helps
  15. G

    VOD / INFO About IPTV vs IKS

    Iptv is IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) and iks Internet key sharing
  16. G

    IPTV66 Can't Log In

    Send your info to one of the mod crazed 7.2
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    NFPS / Private Nfps down?

    It is not down working here
  18. G

    Rocket Freezing

    The HD channels have not work properly for months freezing all the time sd channels are fine
  19. G

    NFPS / Private UFC in English

    Yes 417 BT Sport2
  20. G

    VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

    MavTV (161)working fine here