Search results

  1. B

    m8 and stb emulator

    ok guys, heres a weird one.i had the emulator but after doing a restore i lost it.tried to reinstall and it won't.playstore says its installed already,searched everywhere and tried everything and cant get it back.even did a factory reset and nothing.when i try to download it again from...
  2. B

    usb/sd card wizard

    hey guys i used this wizard to restore my box and something weird restored the box but not with everything(almost everything, but not the stalker client)when i tried it agan wizard would not work.i tryed unistall and reinstall, disablingand reinabling, nothing works.i think its put...
  3. B

    what are the best boxes out there right now

    hi, i have been buying m8 boxes,but i am having lots of probs.(wont back up,one i just recieved dead on arrival,one wont take emulator after backup etc).so i am trying to find out what the best boxes are out there for kodie and stb emulator can some of you guys tell me what you use...