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  1. S

    IPTV66 Yellow bar want load up

    I have a mag 254 with iks66 and the yellow bar not loading rebooted several times disconnected my wifi still want connected is the server down?
  2. S

    IPTV66 Mac address want link

    I try the 79 and still having the same problem do I need to rebooted my wifi?
  3. S

    IPTV66 Mac address want link

    I renewed my subscription rebooted my mag 254 and now getting the blue screen the yellow bar want load after doing some reading I change the 79 to 78 in my mac address rebooted my mag 254 yellow still want load am I missing a step?
  4. S

    IPTV66 Blue Screen Yellow bar not loading

    Yes it thanks for your help
  5. S

    IPTV66 Blue Screen Yellow bar not loading

    Saying you need to clear some space
  6. S

    IPTV66 Blue Screen Yellow bar not loading

    Ok thanks I will try and unplug a few times and see what happen
  7. S

    IPTV66 Blue Screen Yellow bar not loading

    I renewed my iptv and iks and now I am getting the blue screen with the yellow bar not loading what do I need to do to get the yellow bar to load