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  1. C

    Wish to have EPG back

    Hi. I have lost EPG on AVOV ,a tool to which I was very familiar ,used to follow and choose my programs .I cannot at all recall EPG back and am asking for help on how to follow the necessary steps to have it back Thank you so much cloger
  2. C

    AVOV playing anywhere or not ??

    Hi . I now wish to know whether AVOV will play almost anywhere,i.e in any country world wide , as it's being efficient here in Canada .Will it play ,say "TV On line" or any other streams in Norway or in African countries and in other nearby territories such as Madagascar or island of Mauriritius...
  3. C

    Buying a new rx

    Hi . Crazy I was with my numerous stupid questions .I am on overall satisfied with my reception now .On /Off sometimes it bears me ample satisfaction .Thank you all . I have so much boosted and praised this procuct with a friend in Norway that he has been flabergasted to learn that this product...
  4. C

    Meaning of

    Hi. I have been credited with green circles with an arrow to the left .Wish to know its meaning ,am I already some one to be ignored with my querries or no hassle . cloger
  5. C

    Couple of channels not working again .

    Hi. 1 * I am perfectly aware that some channels may technically be on and off .The ones I am interested in ,viz english channels 692 HD and one 691 HD have not been functionning since at least three days .Would appreciate that if tjey could be attended to to have them back on air . 2* Understand...
  6. C

    New channels

    Wish to know whether it's possible to have some of the Bell programs ,in Canada ,from the AVOV ,going on TV ON Line cloger
  7. C

    AVOV super intermittence

    Hi . I have been using my AVOV VOX01for about 5 months now .What wears me now is that my favourite french channels ,viz 855 to 858 get too much freezing and totally faulty now for some consecutive couple or threedays .This is also recurrent in the morning when these channels happen to be back...
  8. C

    AVOV channels intermittent

    Hi. I'm having AVOV since three months now and though bilingual I am more on french channels than on the english ones .Many times some channels are without audio while some do not play at all for a couple of days and are back good only for some more days .French channels 856 ,857 ,858 are on and...