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  1. Tragik

    VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

    I noticed that earlier today as well
  2. Tragik

    Rocket Need a little guidance

    personally I would just wait it out for a good hd fta box with iptv added to have best of both worlds....but if money isnt an issue then by all means buy 2 and buy me a new old camaro :)
  3. Tragik

    Rocket MAC Address Issue

    on papio site add this as your 1st 3 of the mac addy 00:1a:78 then the last 3 of your own mac addy....then add all settings to in kodi and you should be good as gold
  4. Tragik

    Rocket 404 error....

    my box is an ott 4k running kodi 15.1 i double checked my setting on my pc running stalker and I was off 1 digit of my working beautifully other than slight freezing on history channel...thinking thats my xfinity internet....thanks again guys this ROCKS
  5. Tragik

    Rocket 404 error....

    I just received my new set top box today and was setting up my stalker lime i have done with my pc and android phone....even changed the mac addy for my new set top box and still get 404 errors when running stalker.....changed all mac settings on my phone and pc and still 404 errors on those as...
  6. Tragik

    stupid n00bish question

    long time fta iks user here...fairly new to the iptv world....currently running kodi off my galaxy s4 cell streamed to a my question is..... what would you pros suggest for a seperate set top box for iptv that has the feature of adding other hdmi ports in....example my poor...