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    IPTV66 stb blocked

    I have the same problem STB blocked 269 days remaining I have tried all steps above all effort proved abortive.any further help will be much appreciated
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    Re; dreamlink

    I purchased a T1 trying to set it up can't see the DOL page to key my donation.only show four apps will not let me download anything in the market.any help will be greatly appreciated. regards
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    Mag 254 loading issues

    I added my donation to my mag 254 when power on the portal refuse to load up.I did iptv reset,power cycle several times still no luck.any help please.
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    IPTV66 Mag loading error

    My Mag has been having trouble loading the channels all I got is (error loading) this has been happening over two now any help, please
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    I need help pls

    Hello everyone, I have two donation link to my Mag Mac, one for NF purchase from a reseller I believe might have expired by now I bought another one from 66 a few weeks ago. How do I unlink the one from the reseller and keep 66? Any help will be appreciated
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    NFPS / Private RE: login error

    RE: login error Am still having issues login to my Mag254 for few Mag is stuck on login page error message. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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    NFPS / Private Code Error Message

    Hello,am having trouble with my code can't login to my mag254 getting error message display.any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.