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  1. D

    PVR stalker ipad help

    I have setup the following on my ipad and not sure what I do wrong: MAC add : 00:1A:79:XX:XX:XX (XX is linked to my donation and is the same on my IPAD network) Server : ...and unable to load channels Thanks
  2. D

    NFPS / Private setup IPTV stalker on IPad successful, on Android box unsuccessful-please help

    I use kodi 15.2 and stalker 0.8.4. Do I need a new stalker? What is the setup ?
  3. D

    NFPS / Private setup IPTV stalker on IPad successful, on Android box unsuccessful-please help

    Ghita, what is your settup on ipad for nfps? I cannot make it work. Please let me know. Thanks
  4. D

    Hello all

    Using kodi for sometime. Trying to learn more.