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  1. P

    every day an upgrade from iptv stalker

    i got iptv stalker on version 1.0.18 installed in kodi..?14.1 or 14.2...i think... but every day at 3.00 pm CT , updated to a new version of stalker addon.. and get me problems...authorization failed... it didnt work with my to reinstall the old version,, and works
  2. P

    how can i make a favorite channels list?

    does any body has a tutorial to create a list of favorite channels? im using iptv stalker.. i see favorite but i dont know how to create the talking a list just in iptv stalker....not using a simple or other it possible' thanks for your so manny channels, i...
  3. P

    latin channels ivue guidw?

    i installed the tv guide...shows about 250 channels al usa and uk in mexico i like to see latin channels...any help.....thanks for you time
  4. P

    NFPS / Private STB Blocked by providerng

    Change IP and reboot twice..bits work forma me
  5. P

    Rocket we are back up

    Change IP ..reboot twice...and works forma me