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  1. D

    Avov TvOnline+ Constant Buffering

    Hi there, i just recently decided i wanted to try getting this box as i've been using kodi for my streaming recently and wanted to switch. Now that i have this, every channel i have tried has to buffer like every 15 seconds. My internet speed is over 100mb/s so that isn't the problem, plus i...
  2. D

    Question about the Channel Difference in the 3 Providers

    I have read that the channel list is the same for all 3 providers, but what about the quality of the stream? Is there more channels that are HD in 1 provider than the others? I am currently using iptv66 but it's kind of un-watchable on my big tv bc of the SD quality so i just want to know if...
  3. D

    IPTV66 Authentication Failed/Unable to Load Channels in Kodi

    Anyone else getting these errors right now in kodi? I followed what the new announcements said to get the hash and whatnot. It was working this morning when i first did it, but now its not all of a sudden. Just curious if it's me somehow or if the service is still undergoing more maintenance.