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  1. J

    Rocket order/donation email

    how do I get my order/donation # to log on to my mag 254, I lost the email that they were in. my mag 254 worked fine before this new log in requirement. I tried to do a mac address search and it shows the mac as still active.
  2. J

    VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

    channel freeze after loading on mag254 (Rocket) I am in las vegas, I have a 150 meg cable connection running hard wired to a mag254 on firmware 10. after loading every channel I have tried freezes after 3-5 seconds. anyone know of a way to fix this?
  3. J

    channel freeze after loading on mag254 (Rocket)

    I am in las vegas, I have a 150 meg cable connection running hard wired to a mag254 on firmware 10. after loading every channel I have tried freezes after 3-5 seconds. anyone know of a way to fix this?
  4. J

    Rocket channel freeze after loading

    I am in las vegas, I have a 150 meg cable connection running hard wired to a mag254 on firmware 10. after loading every channel I have tried freezes after 3-5 seconds. anyone know of a way to fix this?