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  1. G

    VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

    when we can watch Canadian and African chanals Hi when i subscribe from Rocket i was expecting to watch Canadian and Ethiopian channels. Is any room to upgrade channel list in future? their is high volume Demand for this kind of information around where i am living. Regard Gashe:):):)
  2. G

    Rocket if you need to upgrade rocket to iptv

    hi i am new here and today i contribute my donation from Iksrocket got the portal URL address.however this address mainly for Latino speaker and i need for Canada and Ethiopian chanals in English. Please i need help how to change my portal address. regard
  3. G


    :) Hi i am new and try to be active member to learn and share my idea.Honestly i love this technology and innovation.Let's contribute to make life easy and enjoyable. i bought 2 new mag 254 iptv box but i want to donate and set up by my self. would you please guide me? Thank you. Gashe