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    NFPS / Private Bad or missing serial number!!

    After you disable your IPTV Stalker addon, go to the donation page and change your MAC address. IPTV Stalker uses its own set of numbers and the IPTV server will tie these to your account - hence having to reset your MAC address. I was doing the same thing as you also wondering why one worked...
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    NFPS / Private Bad or missing serial number!!

    I'm glad to hear some stories of success.
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    NFPS / Private Bad or missing serial number!!

    EDIT: Working. Thanks. PM me if you would like to know what I did. EDIT2: Okay - trying to be helpful here. For completness sake and to possibly help Mrcraig... Use PVR Stalker 0.8.3 so you can enter the serial info and disable any other clients before using the instructions below. I then...
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    NFPS / Private Bad or missing serial number!!

    Hey guys. I'm using PVR Stalker Client 0.8.3. Everybody seems to be saying 'just enter your serial number' but what is the serial number? Your donation number? 13 zeros? Where do you change your serial number on the iks website? I have tried 13 zeros and my donation number. My MAC...
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    PVR IPTV Simple Client 1.11.5 and PVR Stalker 0.8.0 - Debian Jessie - Isengard

    PVR IPTV Simple Client 1.11.5 and PVR Stalker 0.8.0 & 0.8.3 Debian Jessie - Isengard Took me a while to build these, but I can confirm IPTV Simple is tested and it's working great. Stalker should also work. Thought I'd share. PVR IPTV Simple 1.11.5: PVR Stalker 0.8.0 PVR Stalker...
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    NFPS / Private i can not make a donation

    I used entropay (a virtual credit card service). I had many problems for about 3 days and yesterday it finally went through. They charge a small percentage, but it's worth it to keep your identity out of the mix. EDIT: Make sure you put $85 on the entropay card if you're going to use this...