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  1. T

    Use M3U links on dreamlink?

    hey i just want to know if there is way to run m3u links on dreamlink and get as good result and smooth browsing as we can if we use mac id associated portal urls..? reason im asking is im about to buy dreamlink and have some queries before i can get into buying.. all i want is to use...
  2. T

    NFPS / Private NFPS down?

    what portalurls you using? any of is not working for me what portal url to use for iptvprivateserver url?
  3. T

    Can i change mac ID in mag254?

    hey.. so im waiting for my mag254 deliver which will be any day now. but i wanted to know if i can chnage my macID like use random macID in mag254... not talking about macid be same as given to the supplier i know that.. like i want to test a service of my frd because i can buy my own service...
  4. T

    [Help] Device conflict - device_id mismatch

    hey so im using a iptv service on kodi that just linked to my MAC ID.. like if my mac id is wrong it will not let me in and if its right it will lemme goto channel list but with 1 mac ID im getting this error "Device conflict - device_id mismatch" how to solve this? device id is not given to the...