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  1. J

    NFPS / Private Donation Status? Order Number? Username / Password?

    tdp15, That is too funny and true. A week ago, channels worked great and NO VOD. Now the channels are down and VOD is working great! Hope the Higher Up's, see this and find out if the two issues are connected. So...... are we to expect the VOD to go down when they fix the issue with the...
  2. J

    NFPS / Private Donation Status? Order Number? Username / Password?

    Update...... After entering and re entering my Username / Password 11 or 12 times, it finally worked! Yea!!!! But now none of the channels work. Well a few foreign channels do. Can't win!
  3. J

    NFPS / Private Donation Status? Order Number? Username / Password?

    Yesterday I was able to access my donation status from Today I am trying to deal with this Username/Password deal. I have entered my donation number into both fields and now it has been stuck on the blue screen with a partial yellow loading bar for 2+...
  4. J

    NFPS / Private Current IPTV Channel List as of August 25, 2016

    In the list you have this 428 - NFL Sunday Ticket 1 429 - NFL Sunday Ticket 2 430 - NFL Sunday Ticket 3 431 - NFL Sunday Ticket 4 432 - NFL Sunday Ticket 5 433 - NFL Sunday Ticket 6 434 - NFL Sunday Ticket 7 They are now MLB EXTRA INNINGS 1-7