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  1. V

    Rocket Is everyone down or just me?

    got it going for some reason had to reload my external player
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    Rocket Is everyone down or just me?

    I'm also down- channels won't load
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    NFPS / Private 4/25/16 Maintenance

    I was told to do a handstand in order to get service back but for how long ?
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    NFPS / Private authorization failed

    i had to change mac address and now works fine
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    NFPS / Private authorization failed

    strange can watch it thru TV and then channels no problem at all but if I try thru video then add on I keep getting authoriaztion failed
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    NFPS / Private authorization failed

    didn't work- i added Ivue today for guide could that be causing issue ??
  7. V

    NFPS / Private authorization failed

    All of a sudden I'm getting this error can't watch anything- worked fine this morning