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  1. R

    NFPS / Private No sound in vod section with new jk player

    hi, how do u get the sound to play in the latest stb emu , when playing movies in the vod section with the new jk player.
  2. R

    NFPS / Private Is papiao tv website down?

    Hi, i need to get in to reset my ip but i cant get get it , i keep getting some PHP access denied error , even tried it on the main website and still same there.
  3. R

    NFPS / Private Is IPTV Still Down?

    am i the only one having this problem . I am able to login in whith no problem but the yellow bar doesnt fully load , it stops at the beggining and doesnt finish. ive done everything they have said, still no luck . dont know if the system is still down or not
  4. R

    VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

    Wow ! the freezing is crazy! hi , is it just me or is almost every channel freezing on the stb emulator ? cant find a stable channel