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  1. K

    IPTV66 Buffering

    n someone explain this to me...when I use iptv pvr simple client I get buffering on almost all channels almost everytime of the day and night but when I use the ivue guide I have issues what so ever...btw I have a donation with iptv66, thanks for any and all help. P.S. I running kodi on a MQ3 box.
  2. K

    IPTV66 Channel Logos

    I ruiing kodi 15.0 on an android box...I have it setup using pvr simple client just don't know what to type in to where it says logos, all else works great.
  3. K

    IPTV66 Channel Logos

    some help...I have a sub. with Iptv66 running on kodi with stalker...just know how to get the logos to show up, any help is much appericated, thanks.