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    NFPS / Private Why Did It go Down? Champions League?

    Only had this service for a few weeks and feel let down! Can this service handle the traffic? Or has it bitten off more than it can chew?
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    NFPS / Private Bad or missing serial number!!

    Is there no way of getting this working with ivue now? How do you stop the update from 1.18?
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    NFPS / Private Whats happened to stalker pvr guide

    Does anybody know a working url?
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    NFPS / Private STALKER PVR Guide is all blank

    Please anybody know a working epg?
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    NFPS / Private STALKER PVR Guide is all blank

    This guide isn't working either?
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    NFPS / Private Changed MAC and cleared Cache

    Sorted cheers. Do you prefer this or the if He guide?
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    NFPS / Private Changed MAC and cleared Cache

    Yes it's brill. Can you not select the programme from the epg though?
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    NFPS / Private Changed MAC and cleared Cache

    Hahahaha what a nob. I had a 79 instead of a 78!!!! Tit...... So sorry for wasting your time and thanks
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    NFPS / Private Changed MAC and cleared Cache

    Yes all exactly the same. Really frustated now. Took me a long time to set up the add-on. Was going to have a go at the ivue next but my subscription will probably expire 😄
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    NFPS / Private Changed MAC and cleared Cache

    I'm using the latest version. Just getting unable to load channels
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    NFPS / Private Changed MAC and cleared Cache

    Yes followed this. Tried with protocol and without and still get unable to load channels!!
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    NFPS / Private Changed MAC and cleared Cache

    Thanks for the help finally got the add-on working. Stuck on Stalker pvr client now. "Unable to load channels". Is server address Thanks
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    NFPS / Private Changed MAC and cleared Cache

    I've used all the mac addresses on the devices in my house and I am struggling to create a new one?
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    NFPS / Private Changed MAC and cleared Cache

    Android. Kodi 15 and stalker 1.0.18
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    NFPS / Private Changed MAC and cleared Cache

    Don't have any add-ons installed bar stalker. Random music channels work and that in the stalker add-on.
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    NFPS / Private Changed MAC and cleared Cache

    Hi everyone, my 1st post. I have changed my mac and cleared cache numerous times. Authorization Failed all the time though? But some random channels work!