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  1. S

    IPTV66 Screen stuck on loading screen after entering authorization info

    Support was able to restet my MAC and I have entered the required MAC for emulator and now I am back to my original issue where screen is stuck at loading state after entering authorization code and password
  2. S

    IPTV66 Screen stuck on loading screen after entering authorization info

    Hi Crazed, so I was able to fix my Mac to 78 but no luck. After entering authorization code and a password screen still stuck on loading state. Any help??
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    IPTV66 Screen stuck on loading screen after entering authorization info

    need to change MAC but have to wait 24-hrs, who can help Is there any support here who can change MAC at the backend? Mine was not working and tried too many times and now I have to wait for 24-hrs
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    IPTV66 Screen stuck on loading screen after entering authorization info

    i have to wait for 24-hrs before i change the MAC, I will send it you if you are OK linking it for me pls.
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    IPTV66 Screen stuck on loading screen after entering authorization info

    for MAC address shall I be using my box exact mac or just last 3-4 digits and rest 00:1A:79:
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    IPTV66 Screen stuck on loading screen after entering authorization info

    Entered authorization ID and a password, after that it is stuck on loading screen. not moving at all I am using STB emulator on my android box. read somewhere to change the mac to 00:1A:78:xx:xx:xx instead of 00:1A:79:xx:xx:xx Also, do i need to enter authorization info every time I reboot...
  7. S

    getting a message on android box " STB is blocked call the provider"

    anyone experiencing issues? how to fix it?