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  1. P

    VOD / INFO Channels I'd like To See On IPTV

    PLEASE - SPACE channel - You have a foreign version on 943, I would like the Canadian English version.
  2. P

    VOD / INFO Channels I'd like To See On IPTV

    BAV Space Tv in ENGLISH! (943 is not English).
  3. P

    NFPS / Private NFPS IPTV Current Channel List - no discussion please

    Bandwidth for these but still very few if any BEV channels?
  4. P

    NFPS / Private IPTV Service features

    >But if you live in the country and all you have is satelite internet and it does not offer unlimited internet usage then what ???? Catfisher1, I guess you are SOL. Oh wait!! Call up Oblama and ask for free high speed internet, he will do it, no problem.
  5. P

    Rocket stalker url blocked after 5 mins of watching

    Provider in this case is the iptv admin, not your isp provider
  6. P

    VOD / INFO Channels I'd like To See On IPTV

    I just want the SPACE channel. They have it but not in English on 943
  7. P

    VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

    Or you build a hot tub room, and load the other side with all the eqpt (5/6 items) you use and a treadmill. It never closes :)
  8. P

    NFPS / Private EPG Removed?

    epg will be even more valuable if they let us recording using it. I tried a usb stick, it tries to record a show, bit the file is never written. The filename is there in the menus, but no file is written. Is recording ever going to be turned on?
  9. P

    NFPS / Private Good thing come to those who wait, EPG!!!!

    yes, recording doesnt write file Videoclub has 'download' greyed out
  10. P

    NFPS / Private STB Blocked by providerng

    1pm eastern. Reboot, still stb locked out by provider
  11. P

    NFPS / Private STB Blocked by providerng

    I was watching. Screen changed to authentication error. Rebooted, now STB blocked by provider. Here at 9am eastern time
  12. P

    Any way to turn off HDMI-CEC (Anynet+) on these boxes?

    If I have this box hooked into an hdmi, say hdmi2 on my Samsung, the tv, when turned on, ALWAYS goes to the first anynet+/HDMI-CEC device, no matter what device I am trying to go to. Is there any menu on this box to turn the HDMI-CEC/Anynet+ feature off?
  13. P

    NFPS / Private may 2 2015 fight on PVR are we getting it.

    Perfect example this last weekend, almost everything, but movies, were down. I checked 50 channels randomly, only 17 were working. Quite a few constantly show the loading progress bar, over and over. They also pulled out the LA locals, and renumbered the useless Ch12 New channels (why 8 news...
  14. P

    NFPS / Private IPTV Server Up/Down Status

    There is a way to check video and audio bitrates, bps on the internet stream. The channels he is referring to, as well as the Miami channels have gotten quite a bit lower rates in the last few weeks and the picture on these channels now look 'chalky' because of loss of detail and contrast. I...
  15. P

    NFPS / Private IPTV Sport_Music_Adult -channel names

    True Movies 1 and 2 seem to be FOX Movie channels, Premium and Action with Chinese subtitles.
  16. P

    NFPS / Private No EPG , check stations online.

    How do you use these? I created a locatetv account, where do there files go so listing for it will appear? Or is their an application to use on a pc or phone?
  17. P

    NFPS / Private is EPG on it's way

    These are live channels, showing tv shows at specific times, maybe I want it to reciord a show overnight so I can watch it. Like a TIVO would
  18. P

    NFPS / Private True Movies 1,2 and CTV

    I see CTV was added, picture kind of SD, but it comes from FilmOn? True Movies 1,2 are being worked on now, they seem to be going to Fox HD Action and Premium (English) from Jakarta with Chinese subtitles. Those channels are good and there are about 5 of them, I vote to add all 5 Fox Jakarta...
  19. P

    NFPS / Private is EPG on it's way

    No, without EPG, you don't know whats on. If you want to create a 'cable' replacement, you need some kind of EPG. No one is going to go to the web all the time to 40 different sites to get program guides per channel. Also, with an EPG, you can RECORD stuff as it comes up later, if you plug a...
  20. P

    NFPS / Private NFPS IPTV Channel List Discussion Thread

    Very nice. Quick question. I see each locals cities are mising one of the 4 networks. None has all 4, but the channel numbers seem to imply they are allocated for. I know, BETA :)