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  1. F

    Rocket Stalker Client failed to load channels!

    well i usually fend for myself and with youtube and such but i thought i would post in the propper forum since trying to find answers in other forums on this site is all over the place with stalker configurations and for rocket iptv servers i would have thought there i would find a...
  2. F

    Rocket Stalker Client failed to load channels!

    okay, im getting there, looks like (im used to my android box for all this but im trying this all out on my PC OS) decided to dump jarvis and reinstalled kodi 15.2 lnsegard - enabled simple client pvr *** in generaL tab i typed hxxp://localhost8899/channels.html?portal=1 *** in...
  3. F

    IPTV66 My first day using iptv66

    hence , why I argued in another thread why doesnt the enduser have the choice of trying out a rocket or nfps don for a month at least compare quality..i know i know, im gonna hear about it - "they are all the same" - and my reply is, hogwash - dont see the same complaint with nfps and/or rocket...
  4. F

    NFPS / Private Pricing specials

    well then why have 3 separate names if they all are one of the same and then why not (as i eluded to) make the monthly buys same across the board for all 3? so, even if we throw out the mac addy argument (and thanks for clearing that up - no more macs to worry about with the user/pass scenario)...
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    NFPS / Private Pricing specials

    sorry for the misunderstanding...i get the one don per saying dude wants 3 dons for 3 boxes in the house but with mac addys and all that it would be nice to use same mac addy for 3 diff dons if they all still operate on separate servers? surely they dont allow dudes who own one don of...
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    NFPS / Private Pricing specials

    i get all that but some dudes would want the option of choosing between the 3...i know i would if only for comparison purposes ESP for those who want more than 3 dons...just an observation edit; and think about this...what if i want 3 dons for 3 different boxes (streamers) different software...
  7. F

    NFPS / Private Username and Password authentication starting February 1

    you make a valid point and thought as much after i typed my concern and forgot to could well be running apps in the background or something like that..should not blame kodi LIVE links besides i am only 14.2 on my android box and cant go higher b/c of parse errors on apk installs of...
  8. F

    NFPS / Private Stalker 9.021 " Http error not found" any ideas? Tried everything

    not 11...if its rocket replace with HTTP:// or
  9. F

    NFPS / Private Stalker 9.021 " Http error not found" any ideas? Tried everything

    some say the addon will be worthless after today....i started getting authentication failed already with same version on android box , i think they pulled the plug on me earlier (couple days ago).. :) and in another thread i just read - someone mentioned you have to enter a 10 digit number for...
  10. F

    NFPS / Private Pricing specials

    agreed 100% hate SD...and now that i think about it? they should offer monthly dons across the board ...especially now that peeps will be scrambling to get portals to work on their devices..its so cumbersome and IF that way an enduser feels its too much hassle? they are only out 1 month as...
  11. F

    nfps emulator via IRD??

    .....bump...sorry pls delete this concerns have been answered in another thread - sorry for the bother. cheers
  12. F

    NFPS / Private Username and Password authentication starting February 1

    edit - sorry, i meant my CPU usage NOT bandwidth
  13. F

    NFPS / Private Username and Password authentication starting February 1

    has any1 uploaded a youtube how-to on all this yet, like all other kodi addons and stuff? and just mho , i like the use of the addon iptv stalker much better than connecting via the Live TV cuz my connection to the server on LIVE TV takes too much of my android box bandwidth and makes my box...
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    VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

    ALERT - US Channels down!!! so it seams as of last half hour..same ole same ole, every yr at this time they get hit..ho hum!
  15. F

    VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

    ure not alone//all US stations down now too
  16. F

    NFPS / Private Why so much negativity.

    sorry was only poking fun...the phoenix and dummie site was reference to nfusion ird connecting to their own servers way back when they were king of iks, you're forgiven for not catching that.. haha ,,as for phoenix addon it sux HUGE, imho
  17. F

    NFPS / Private Why so much negativity.

    and you havent done "your" share over time?? come on now, i saw you biotch a whole bunch at the dummie site when the phoenix got nabbed by the man way back when..still using that nfusion ird as a door stop?haha
  18. F

    NFPS / Private When the HD Channels are coming?

    you have a point but and i did notice other developers leeching off the free app from filmOn ,,BUT if they were all paid via a sky seed? why arent they all in HD? the free ones are all SD..hmm? curiouser and Happy Holidays!! edit; okay i see there are very few off the list and...
  19. F

    NFPS / Private When the HD Channels are coming?

    curious how you feel about nfps offering all that free UK content (not saying nfps are scammers)? those from filmOn not sky..if the kettle is calling the pot??
  20. F

    NFPS / Private When the HD Channels are coming?

    imho, its innevitable...nfps had to get a piece of hardware to get their iks members HD way back guessing that is the hold up here for iptv? not sure though how long streaming sd will be acceptable, great price or not..once a peep gets used to HD viewing its very hard to go back to sd...