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    Rocket Linking MAC page down

    I was trying to get into that and it kept coming up invalid, But it came up that time. THANK YOU
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    Rocket Linking MAC page down

    What I am saying is that i cant even get to a page to link addresses
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    Rocket Linking MAC page down

    I have been away for a year or so and i cant link my mac addresses. it wont reset password on and i cant find a mac linker on iptvprivateserver. any ideas?
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    Rocket papaio

    I am getting invalid mac address when I try to enter mac for new rockets. what am I doing wrong?
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    Is the Mag 254 capable of handling Kodi?
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    Anybody else having a problem watching downloaded movies from usb with High Efficiency Video Coding? Most ripped media is using this now.
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    VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

    Just when the Orioles start a series with the Yankees.
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    channels stopped responding

    My channels have stopped responding. It seems like I only have 2 channels that work all the rest are dead and it stays on one channel when I hit another one. Is this on my end or the server?
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    Rocket All Channels Buffering...Anyone having this issue?

    Yeah, Wait all week to watch the Raiders on sunday ticket and its barely watchable.
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    VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

    11 has been freeze free for 24 hrs now and the guide is working. Good job.
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    Rocket New portal url:

    Cant log onto 11 or 22 now.
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    Rocket is there a way to fix this

    Having the same problem here. We are pretty much at the mercy of the server and our connection.
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    Rocket cnbc is coming in as fox sports?

    152 MLB is coming in as NBC SPN
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    Rocket Epg with rocket

    Wait and hope it comes back.
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    NFPS / Private Down

    Still Cant connect here.
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    Rocket portal not loading

    You are not alone.
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    Rocket mag 254

    Most of them are back up now.
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    Rocket not accepting mac addy change

    No. The mac was still assigned to the expired rocket and would not allow me to link mac to new rocket# until the old one was cleared or deleted.
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    Rocket not accepting mac addy change

    It finally took. I just had to wait about 8 hrs until the inactive rockets were cleared or deleted from server. Thanks for the help guys.