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  1. C

    Guide hasnt worked the past few weeks?

    Hello the guide has not worked for me the past few weeks? Anyone know how to get it working again? It was fine for a good month or so, and now there is no guide at all? Is there a update or something else i need to do to get it going? Let me know Thanks!!! HELP!
  2. C

    NFPS / Private Authentication Failed Error?

    So if my ip changes, Which in all likelyhood it has, as we have had power issues, Must have gone out 10x, this weekend What needs to be done to get it working again?
  3. C

    NFPS / Private Authentication Failed Error?

    Whats going on now, Im getting a authorization failed? Its as if they keep coming up with ways for us to give up on this service How do we fix it this time?
  4. C

    Please Help

    I had this working on Kodi 15.2 Today it took an update to kodi 16.0 It no longer works? What do i need to do? I feel like formatting my entire android box and starting from scratch I installed Stalker Client NFPS I added the mac id I added the donation number When i go to enable tv it...
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    NFPS / Private Seems that things are settling down.

    Great so i turned the box on today.... Looks like it automatcily updated to kodi 16.00 and iptv no longer works for me? What am i doing wrong???
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    NFPS / Private Seems that things are settling down.

    Should we be updating to kodi 16.00? As im having issues trying to get box's running on 15.2 with this ninja thing
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    NFPS / Private How Do we Get online now that its "Fixed"

    So i got this up and running by installing the ninja repo, and all of the files that went with it.
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    NFPS / Private How Do we Get online now that its "Fixed"

    Ok i have downloaded the latest version pvr.stalker.nfps-android-arm_20160131 Im now getting a Dll error? Can you send me the link to the tutorial
  9. C

    What client am i supposed to be using?????

    Someone please help me I have downloaded pvr.stalker.nfps-android-arm_20151215 This is what im using And i cant get anything to work,,,, I keep getting Authorization FAILED? Is this the wrong client? Is it the wrong version? Im using MyGica Atv 1200 KODI 15.2 I would just like this to...
  10. C

    NFPS / Private How Do we Get online now that its "Fixed"

    HELP.. SOMEONE PLEASE PM ME OR MESSAGE ME HERE HOW TO GET THIS BACK ONLINE I have downloaded and installed this app I have entered in my donation number, i have changed my mac... I have cleared cache, i have rebooted Obviously im missing something...
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    NFPS / Private How Do we Get online now that its "Fixed"

    Hello, So what do we do now to get it back online? Can someone please explain what needs to be done? I was working fine for the past year,,,, Then all of a sudden we had to change files..... This new file was working or a while now its not working...
  12. C

    NFPS / Private We are Down, Admin please reply when we are back online

    Hello, so i have come to the conclusion, we are down, there is no point trying this and trying that... We are down, I will wait for the official announcement that we are back online. As otherwise, i will go crazy Please reply here when we are back online, So i will receive a email Thank You
  13. C

    NFPS / Private Authentication Failed Error?

    Mine is not... I am using this file pvr.stalker.nfps-android-arm_20151215 I have added my donation number, i have changed my mac I have cleared my cache I have reset iptv What else needs to be done?
  14. C

    NFPS / Private Today's verdict?

    Is this still the file we are supposed to be using? pvr.stalker.nfps-android-arm_20151215 I keep getting authorization failed? I have tried everything the past few days. This is driving me insane. It would help if there was a post somewhere saying exactly what to do
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    NFPS / Private Today's verdict?

    Im getting authorization failed still?
  16. C

    NFPS / Private I'm up again

    DOWN keep getting authentication error
  17. C

    NFPS / Private Authentication Failed Error?

    Keep getting this error I actually dont even know what i can try, i have been at it for the past 12 hours.. HELP... WHAT DO I DO ?