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  1. C

    NFPS / Private Bad service

    Complainers not tolerated. This is the Private server kumbaya kool aid party:)
  2. C

    VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

    You need to check your end. Not that I am defending the sporadic service but a lot of American channels are up at this moment but that could change abruptly:)
  3. C

    VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

    Start a new thread You need to start a new thread. Follow the parameters for posting or it will be deleted and or ignored. Have a great day!
  4. C

    VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

    Fox News 205 To Whom It May Concern, 205 Fox News is down one more time.
  5. C

    VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

    I am repeating what many others have said on this site declaring that IPTV is a hobby. Do I believe it? No. I will tell you that no one will get any where on this forum focusing on negative views about the service. It will be labeled as "bashing". The montra seems to revolve around price...
  6. C

    VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

    Its past starting to get old. As I said yesterday complaining goes on deaf ears. Either accept it for what it is a hobby as so many have said or find another service. They know whats down. Its what it is.
  7. C

    Rocket Are we still doing maintenance?

    It's pretty simple either we can accept the fact that the system stability will be this way well into the future or we can complain about it which mainly goes to deaf ears or find another service. It sucks but that's just the way it is. Stop selling the service that way you can only be mad at...
  8. C

    VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

    service up and down I understand they are playing with the servers again but do any of the mods have a time frame when the service will be consistently up? I have made the url switch.
  9. C

    NFPS / Private site down

    iptvprivateserver site down.
  10. C

    VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

    205,206 down Fox News 205, Fox Business 206 down among too many others to list.
  11. C

    VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

    205 Fox News is back up now
  12. C

    VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

    205 Fox News down 205 Fox News down
  13. C

    VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

    206,206.200,209 buffering unwatchable 205 Fox news, 206 Fox business, 200 cnn, 209 msnbc
  14. C

    VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

    206 Fox Business down 206 Fox Business down
  15. C

    VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

    205 Fox news down 205 Fox news down again.
  16. C

    VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

    Crazed I also sport a 100 Mbs service. There are channels that are down some buffering and some no issue. When you have this scenario it is the server. 205 Fox news and 206 Fox business have been on a roller coaster of varying service for weeks. Now 205 is up but buffering 206 is running great...
  17. C

    VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

    I don't care for it any more than the next person. What I mean is it's the nature of the beast. If you are going to stay with IPTV get use to the problems. They are not going away for a very long time if ever. Cold hard fact.
  18. C

    VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

    9205,205,206 Down 9205 Fox News 206 Fox Business Down 205 Fox news buffered audio only no picture. Please repair. These channels have been up and down for weeks.