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  1. L

    Rocket Houston we have a problem

    I have 3 different boxes with 3 donations. Nothing is working. Is it just me?
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    Mag 250

    My mag 250 start and then go to page loading error. It used to work fine. Now I can't pass this page
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    Rocket Server

    Banned by whom?
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    Rocket Server

    I installed VPN. And like magic everything is back
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    Rocket Server

    Thanks. I'll check my problem
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    Rocket Server

    Is the server down? I'm not getting anything .potato tv on fire tv and avov
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    Potato and perfect player epg

    I have perfect player and potato installed on the same box. I have kens13 epg on both. Perfect player get full guide and potato guide comes empty. Anybody knows why?
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    Rocket DISCOUNT TOKEN & Extra Days

    So I would like to clarify. If I need to buy 20 donations the price is 659.80. if I pay for 1 plus 1 year token it's 175 and then I can get the other 19 for 25 each equal 475. 475 + 175= 650. So I save ~10. Of course if I buy more than 20 my savings will be bigger. Did I understand correctly? Or...
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    Rocket Playlist

    Thanks for the fast response. Where can I get rocket m3u file so I can change it? I checked on the donation but I didn't see where to get the playlist itself. I have my donation number and it's working good with potato(thanks) but I don't know where to get the list
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    Rocket Playlist

    Is it possible to add channels to rocket playlist? I want to add channels that are not on rocket. If yes, can I get a step by step? I have also read that I can change the numbers on the channels to match the supplier. How can I get into the playlist to do the changes?
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    Playlist help

    I have been reading for the last 2 weeks but couldn't get a playlist going on. I have potato tv working very good with Rocket. I'm trying to load a free playlist that has Israeli channels. I tried playlist loader, VLC, and everything I found on the internet. If I can get a step by step setup it...
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    I'm trying to set the time on Kodi 16.1. It says settings-appearance-international Under the default line it is supposed to have a line for region and country. My Kodi doesn't have it. Where can I set the time on Kodi? I need that for PVR settings.
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    Rocket Mag254 problem

    How do you get to p5 or or? The donation as it says p1
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    Rocket New portal

    Yesterday my avov was not working. I changed the portable on the box to p5 and it worked flawlessly even when on papaio it says p1. This morning it is not connecting to server. How can I change the portal on papaio?
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    Dual iptv

    Is there an iptv box that can do two TVs, Like the di**ne****k 322, 522, 722, etc. And if yes, did it work with rocket and what about the quality?
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    Rocket login

    I Have two Avov receivers. One is working fine and the other one was working until yesterday and now i'm getting that I was blocked by the provider. What details should I give and to whom so I can get help?
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    Rocket donations renewal

    Where can I buy new donations for IPTV+IKS? I tried iptv**cket but I get same problem. Checkout allow me msximum of 7
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    Rocket donations renewal

    So why is there renewal on the site?
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    Rocket donations renewal

    I have 30 rocket donations that I need to renew. I go to resseler board, press renew donations, type 30, check all the 30 donations and press checkout. Nothing happens. on the top of the page it says Mode* You don't have balance What do I do wrong?
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    Fire tv/Stalker client not working

    I have 4 fire tv and a mag250 and 5 donations. The mag250 is working. one fire tv is working. Now to the other fire tv's. I keep getting on all of them "Stalker client unable....". I copied the working fire tv (backup and restore) and it is working but when I change the mac and user/pass I'm...