Recent content by supaman32052

  1. S

    APK time app

    Which formula boxes have this app in marketplace ? That's how I get my movie apps from with my dreamlinks... Now their getting hard to find.. I have a formulae z10 but don't know how to put movie apps on it because the apps in market place don't work properly.. any suggestions? Normally I use...
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    Black screen on live tv and VOD isn't working

    Trying to figure out what's going on. I have several of cable boxes.. some of my T2s isn't working as far as live tv and VOD.. some are.. been like this for a few days now.. I've tried everything except a factory reset.. I'm pretty sure it isn't my hookup because this happened random and some of...
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    Rocket Always having to reset iptv

    Thank You.. I didn't see a post on the same issue..
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    Rocket Always having to reset iptv

    Almost daily.. after I start up my cable box.. ( dreamlink t2 and t3) ever since the portal url change to . It almost always start off saying blocked contact provider.. I always have to reset iptv from the online account.. I have sold several boxes and a customer of mine have the same...
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    How to repair repeat issue in live tv

    Sometimes the live tv channels be repeating while watching.. how to repair issue?
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    Rocket Are we down? If so how long?

    Thanks.. mine finally connects but all channels are down.. 2 more of my customers boxes are down at their house
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    Rocket Are we down? If so how long?

    I know it's not my box because it was working yesterday, not only that a person at another house has 1 of my boxes and it's not working there either.. different boxes, different internet . Same no cable result.. any suggestions? On my box it try's to connect but dont move past 10% ..1st time I...
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    Rocket Pausing rewinding replaying

    How come my live tv . Will stop, rewind 20 sec and replay constantly?
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    NFPS / Private Switching from rocket to NFPS

    What is the url for nfps.. in the tv settings..I'm trying nfps instead of continuing with rocket..
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    Rocket What's going on with the channel consistency

    These past few months have been the worst few months of watching tv in years.. its constantly blacks out at random especially on ppv day..I tried to weather the storm but it dont look like the storm will ever pass.. is it rocket or all providers ?
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    Rocket Bitcoin

    Ok.. I have a reseller account.. I'm a u have to put cash in the atm.. ? Or can it just take the money out of your checkin account?
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    Rocket Bitcoin

    How can papiao credit tokens to your papiao account..
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    Rocket Bitcoin

    Thanks.. I will try it
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    Rocket Bitcoin

    Ok.. I'll try bitcoin Atm..simplex support sent me an email saying I was out of there area.. I told them I thought the internet was world wide.. I'm in Florida
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    Rocket Bitcoin

    I tried PayPal. I get a return email saying it cant be processed