remember to update box if you havent done it, it adds "pluto tv app" wich isnt bad when is down, also download kodi 15.2 i did it via chrome cuz playstore said it wasent compatible also manually update spinztv,
if i was you ill start everything from begining, did you bought from amazon? factory reset gbox do the update ( if you havent done it) my version is 1.4.0 my pvr manager starts in a second it does takes like 2 mins to load channels, did you put the beast? or spinztv?
i find it awesome, ton of movies and tv series all with a great setup, friendly use it has sereval builds i tried the simplicity one but i really preffered the premium lite. also easy install with just a repository
i didnt like the beast ( had porn section n i have a kid) , instead im using spinztv build, and yes i configure with the 8.4 and its working with 900+ channels and epg
also have ivue
what kodi you have 15.2?