Recent content by 52155

  1. 5

    IPTV66 New order

    Already sent info to crazed no reply yet
  2. 5

    IPTV66 New order

    Can a mod pm me about an order I placed that I can't get to work
  3. 5

    VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

    Chiller Any time line on when chiller will be fixed? Been down for 3 months already.
  4. 5

    IPTV66 How many Device ?

    What if you are using a m3u file linked to your mac number?
  5. 5

    IPTV66 how to i get EPG with M3u playlest "perfectplay"

    Go in settings enter urn for guide you use
  6. 5

    VOD / INFO Channels I'd like To See On IPTV

    Chiller Been down for a while, any chance of it getting fixed?
  7. 5

    VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

    Chiller Still playing the diy network for a couple of weeks now any chance of fixing it. Thanks
  8. 5

    VOD / INFO merged threads for storage purposes

    Chiller Chiller channel own for 2 days several other channels are freezing and buffering so bad they are not watchable history, are they working like this for the music list. Stilling using stalker client with kodi 16.
  9. 5

    Adult channels

    Will adult channels be available with the new changes?
  10. 5

    IPTV66 Down again

    Thanks man shows how quick things can change
  11. 5

    IPTV66 Down again

    Had kodi 16 working with the new rul came back home and now it's not working. Guide shows loading but that's all that happens. Have no more resets allowed on my mac can a mod pm me so I can get it reset
  12. 5

    IPTV66 Video sync

    Anyone having trouble with video audio out of sync on kodi 16 go in video acceleration and u check all settings
  13. 5

    Stalker plus

    Can't get it to download from the epg ninja zip. Says it's downloading but goes really slow and then says download failed. Is there another link were it can be downloaded from?
  14. 5

    Iptv stalker

    Can't get the iptv stalker plus to download. Says downloading but takes forever then fails to install. Has hurricane caused problems with site?
  15. 5

    IPTV66 Authorization failed

    My service quit working how do I get my mac address reset. Point me in the right direction. Was using stalker but it quit working.